Transitional Housing Placement Program (THPP)

Program requirements:
Bill Wilson Center's Transitional Housing Placement Program is available for foster youth ages 16-18.
This program is only for youth in dependency, either through foster care or juvenile justice. Social workers who would like to refer a youth should contact the Department of Children and Family Services, Independent Living Program at (408) 975-5644.
About Transitional Housing Placement Program:
Young people raised in foster care "age out" of the system at age 18. Many times, these youth have not been taught the skills necessary to survive on their own in the world. A staggering number of emancipated foster youth end up homeless, jobless and without hope for the future.
The Transitional Housing Placement Program provides housing and life skills coaching to youth in foster care ages 16-18. Guidance, training and encouragement are given in areas that are key for successful adulthood including educational planning, career development, establishing and maintaining permanent housing and managing healthcare and finances. The goal of the program is to help youth find and maintain permanent housing and live independently and with confidence.